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Lemon mousse 如何做簡單又美味

欄目: 美食菜譜 / 釋出於: / 人氣:1.92W
Lemon mousse 怎麼做好吃又簡單
準備時間:    烹飪時間:30分鐘


Whipping cream :250 ml
Lemon juice :60 ml
Large egg white :1


Sugar :50 g
Grated lemon peel :1 tablespoon
Gelatine sheets :3
readymade cake rounds :6
Orange or lemon marmalade :3 tablespoon


1. Soak the gelatine sheets in a bowl of cold water for 5 minutes.

2. Drain and dissolve in a saucepan or in the microwave with half of the lemon juice.

3. Add the rest of the juice and allow to cool.

4. Place the cold whipping cream in a bowl, add half the sugar and beat with a blender until whipped.

5. Blend 3 tablespoons cream with the lemon juice and rind, then blend in the rest.

6. Whip the egg whites in a clean bowl,add the sugar and continue beating until stiff peaks form.

7. Gently fold the whites into the mixture.

8. Pour the lemon mousse into the half-circle moulds, cover with a cake round and place in the freezer for at least 3-4 hours.

9. Turn out by pressing the outside of the moulds, decorate with half a teaspoon of marmalade and let stand for 20 minutes.

