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Turkey Pho (火雞米粉湯)如何做簡單又美味

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Turkey Pho (火雞米粉湯)怎麼做好吃又簡單
準備時間:10分鐘    烹飪時間:30分鐘


越南米粉或粉絲 :適量
kale :1-2cup
香料 :適量
香菜籽 :2tablespoons coriander seeds
丁香 :4whole cloves
八角(又稱大料) :4whole star anise
桂皮 :1cinnamon stick


蔥綠,切成末 :bunch green onions(green top parts only)chopped
薑片 :3-inch chunk of ginger
紅糖 :teaspoon brown sugar
魚露 :tablespoon fish sauce
香菜 :-2tablespoon cilantro
蔥白切末 :-2tablespoon chopped green onions(white parts only)
檸檬 :/2lime,cut into wedges
Sriracha chili sauce to taste 辣椒醬 :根據個人口味新增多少


1. 將所有主料、香料、調料都準備好

2. First:Toast the spices 烘香料(炒香料)Heat a cast-iron skillet or frying pan over medium heat. Add the coriander seeds, cloves, star anise, and cinnamon stick and toast until fragrant, about 3-4 minutes. Immediately spoon out the spices into a bowl to avoid burning them and set aside將鍋(鐵鑄鍋或者是平底鍋)用中火燒熱,將香菜籽、丁香粒、八角和桂皮翻炒出香味,大概3-4分鐘。然後將這個香料快速的盛出道入碗中

3. 將紫甘藍,香蔥,香菜等輔料都準備好

4. 把火雞肉手撕成雞絲,不用太細

5. In a large pot, add the toasted spices and all ingredients from stock through fish sauce and bring to a boil準備一個大點的鍋,倒入炒好的香料、配料和雞湯,加入魚露,煮至沸騰

6. Reduce the heat to medium-low and let simmer for 20 minutes, skimming the surface frequently將火調至中火,燉20分鐘左右,期間時不時的撇去浮沫

7. Taste the broth and add more sugar or fish sauce, if needed. Strain the broth and discard the solids. Add the kale and cook for 1-2 more minutes. Remove from heat嘗試一下湯的味道,如果覺得淡可以適量多加些紅糖或者是魚露,然後加入紫甘藍煮1-2分鐘,關火

8. Add the shredded turkey and the cellophane noodles. Allow to sit for a few minutes while the noodles soften加入撕好的火雞肉和米粉,直至米粉軟化

9. Ladle the broth into bowls. Divide the kale, shredded turkey and the noodles evenly into each bowl將湯倒入湯碗內,如果煮的多幾個人吃的話,可以將湯內的料均勻的放在每一個碗內,澆上湯碗內的湯

10. Sprinkle on the garnishes and add sriracha to taste. Squeeze lime juice to taste over the top of your bowl before eating撒點蔥花和香葉作為裝飾,如果喜歡可以加入少量的辣椒醬,最後在吃之前擠些檸檬汁,味道會更好

